




Dan Toto


  Lead Guitar, 6 String Acoustic Guitars, Theremin, Violin Bow

   Dan picked up the guitar in 1980 and he never put it down. He lived and learned the music of the eighties, only to find himself reveling in the sound of the seventies. Inspired by masters like Jimmy Page and Tony Iommi, Danny has honed his playing skills to fill his role as lead guitarist extraordinaire for Black Dog. Dan is also a founding member of Sabbra Cadabra, the ultimate Black Sabbath tribute band.


 Gear: 2001 Gibson Les Paul, 1996 Gibson SG Double Neck, 1990 Fender Telecaster. 1979 Laney 50 Watt Head, 1976 Orange 120 Watt Head, 2-4x12 Orange Cabinets. 1968 Morley Wah-Wah and multiple Boss effect pedals.

Guitar Lessons: For more info., see the Guitar Lessons page.

 E-mail Dan: sabbradude@aol.com



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